My name is Zac Griffith and this is a film from my Sonora Mexico Coues Hunt. The coues whitetail deer is a sub-species of the eastern whitetail. They inhabit Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. I journeyed south with the best outfit in Sonora: Rio Sonora Outfitters.
The ranch I spent seven days scouring is a coues hunter’s dream. Rolling ocotillo and mesquite ridden hills and oak-filled draws. One may find themselves glassing upwards of 11 hours a day. Time behind the 15s is time well spent.
The hunters I shared the experience with were coues masters. I learned volumes of techniques and tactics, saw giant deer, chased javelina and came home heavy. Sonora is an experience all Western hunters need to capture–even if only once in a lifetime. As for me, I’m already booked for 2015!