WHAT FOOD I PACK ON BACKCOUNTRY TRIPS Here's break-down of what I take on extended trips in the backcountry. KETO-FRIENDLY...
WHAT FOOD I PACK ON BACKCOUNTRY TRIPS Here's break-down of what I take on extended trips in the backcountry. KETO-FRIENDLY...
WHY MCT OIL? MCT OIL packs from DropAnFBomb.com, are instant energy, ultra lightweight and are perfect for back country dominance!...
DROP AN F BOMB!!! This is the KETO hunter's DREAM FUEL!!!! DropAnFBOMB.com offers the perfect solution for on-the-go, convenient, healthy...
CUTTING WITH KETO /// WEEK 4 Flexible dieting while on the road. Getting leaner and leaner--energy is still excellent. I...
KETO AND BACKPACKING /// WHAT TO EAT Does Keto work in the backcountry...?
How to BURN MORE FAT /// KETO DIET Here's a little trick I've learned through trial and error that will...
CUTTING WITH KETO WEEK 3 Fat is melting off! Intermittent fasting is a game changer! Observations on muscle roundness and...
KETO AND FASTING Why intermittent fasting and what it means. New trial and error aspect of the keto diet that...
BACK IN THE SADDLE /// SHED HUNT First day back up in that country since my accident. Leg was weak...
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